Hoddy Estuary
Hoddy Estuary Park
Please note that more will be posted soon!!
About the park
Hoddy Estuary Park is a public reserve off the Coastal Highway 60 near the Waimea Inlet. It was saved from development more than fifteen years ago, a charitable trust was formed to save the park.Since then many nest boxes have been erected and plants such as kowhai, kanuka and cabbage tree have planted to attract bird like Kereru and Tui. Pest trapping is also taking place on the land. Boardwalks and a public toilet have been built since 2005.
There are many benches on the grass which are perfect for picnics. Lookouts over the water are dotted around the edge of the water. There is also a large boardwalk hidden in the trees at the far end of the pond.
The Birds
Hoddy Park offers a variety of different species including Kereru, Grey teal, New Zealand Scaup and many others(Here's the Ebird page with lists from there.) I'll do my best to sum up the birds I've seen there:
Pukeko, Kingfishers and their nest boxes frequent the edges of the salt water. To reeds and rushes they are trying to attract the secretive Banded Rail. Farer in on the mow lawn hop Song thrush and Blackbirds. Kereru, Goldfinch, Sparrow, Chaffinch, Redpoll, Silvereye, fantail and Shining Cuckoo can be heard and seen the trees.Tui feed in the flax around the water. The pond is home to Cormorant, Grey teal, New Zealand Scaup, Mallard, and swallow. On the neighboring land Paradise Shelducks can be seen.
Hoddy Estuary Park is a great spot. With it's many Kingfisher nest boxes, it's pond and estuary, it is a great place for bird like Scaup, Teal and Kereru. There are many nest boxes scattered around the place. There is also a board walk at the far end of the pond where you will find many duck hiding including a pair of Grey Teal and their chick. Three domestic Pied Swedish ducks also habitat the pond. The estuary is home to many kingfisher and pukeko. The Friends of Hoddy Estuary are planting and landscaping to attract Banded Rail so keep a look out for this species.
Species Info
Banded Rail Gallirallus philippensisBanded Rails are secretive marsh birds dwelling in rushes along the edge of water or wetland.
Apperance They are a medium sized (30cm 170g) rail with Black and white strokes across their flanks, breast and tummy. Their cheast is a grey color slideing to the midul of the crop. A rufous eye stripe runs along their lores, across their nape and down to the mantle running at the top almost parallel to a brown-olive crown.
Breeding Sept.-Mar. 4-6 pale pink with dark spots scattered.